Former coworkers

Full List of Post-Docs


José de Alencar Simoni

IST, 1989-1991.

Paulo Alexandre Marques Nunes

FCT Fellowship, FCUL, 2003-2008.

Tetsu Kiyobayashi

Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Young Scientists, IST, 1998-1999.

Ana Lúcia Costa Lagoa

FCT Fellowship, FCUL, 2007-2008.

Miroslav Leskiv

FCT Fellowship, FCUL, 2007-2010.

Tania Santos de Almeida

FCT Fellowship, FCUL, 2010-2013.

Rui Jorge Centeno Santos

FCT Fellowship, FCUL, 2007-2014.

Elsa Marisa Duarte Rodrigues Gonçalves

FCT Fellowship, FCUL, 2011-2016.

Filipe Miguel Peres Agapito

FCT Fellowship, FCUL, 2012-2017.

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Full List of PhD Students


Maria Margarida de Sousa Salema de Araújo

1983, IST.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and A. Romão Dias.

Maria Rute Abreu Rodrigues Gomes da Costa

1986, IST.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and A. Romão Dias.

Clementina Maria Cardoso Teixeira da Cunha Pereira

1986, IST.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and A. Romão Dias.

Manuel Eduardo Ribeiro Minas da Piedade

1988, IST.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and A. Romão Dias.

Hermínio Albino Pires Diogo

1993, IST.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões.

João Paulo Arriegas Estevão Correia Leal

1993, IST.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões.

Palmira Maria Martins Ferreira da Silva

1996, IST.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and A. Romão Dias.

Paulo Alexandre Marques Nunes

JNICT Fellowship, 1999, IST.
Supervision: Manuel E. Minas da Piedade.

Rui Miguel da Silva Coelho Borges dos Santos

2000, FCUL.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões.

Rui Jorge Centeno Santos

FCT Fellowship, 2001, IST.
Supervision: Manuel E. Minas da Piedade.

Rita Alexandra do Nascimento Cardoso Guedes

FCT Fellowship, 2003, FCUL.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and Benedito Costa Cabral.

Ana Lúcia Costa Lagoa

FCT Fellowship, 2004, IST.
Supervision: Manuel E. Minas da Piedade.

Vânia Solange Ferreira Muralha

FCT Fellowship, 2005, IST.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and Rui Borges dos Santos.

Vânia Solange Ferreira Muralha

FCT Fellowship, 2005, FCUL.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and Rui Borges dos Santos.

Ana Catarina Dias Filipe Pancada Correia

FCT Fellowship, 2005, FCUL.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and Rui Borges dos Santos.

Paulo Ricardo Castelo Branco Cabral do Couto

FCT Fellowship, 2008, FCUL.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and Benedito Costa Cabral.

Sílvia da Conceição Gomes Estácio

FCT Fellowship, 2008, FCUL.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and Benedito Costa Cabral.

Carlos Eduardo Sabino Bernardes

FCT Fellowship, 2008, FCUL.
Supervision: Manuel E. Minas da Piedade.

Filipe Miguel Peres Agapito

FCT Fellowship, 2010, FCUL.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and Benedito Costa Cabral.

Elsa Marisa Duarte Rodrigues Gonçalves

FCT Fellowship, 2011, FCUL.
Supervision: Manuel E. Minas da Piedade.

Hugo Filipe Costa Martiniano

FCT Fellowship, 2013, FCUL.
Supervision: J. A. Martinho Simões and Benedito Costa Cabral.

Ricardo Alexandre Gravata Simões

FCT Fellowship, 2013, FCUL.
Supervision: Manuel E. Minas da Piedade.

Joana Marta da Cruz Vitorino

FCT Fellowship, 2014, FCUL.
Supervision: Manuel E. Minas da Piedade.

Abhinav Joseph

FCT Fellowship, 2016, FCUL.
Supervision: Manuel E. Minas da Piedade.

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Full List of Other Students


Maria Madalena Alves Campos de Sousa Dionísio

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 1987.

João Filipe Colardelle da Luz Mano

IST, 1991.

Jorge Miguel Monteiro Abalroado

IST, 1991.

Carlos Manuel Bento António

IST, 1991.

Jorge Manuel Cerqueira Lopes

IST, 1991.

Rui Miguel da Silva Coelho Borges dos Santos

IST, 1992.

Paulo Alexandre Marques Nunes

IST, 1992.

René Gil Bakker Fonseca

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 1995.

Magda Sofia Milheiro Bizarro

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 1998.

Vânia Solange Ferreira Muralha

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 2000.

Maria Pilar Ribeiro Dias

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, IST, 2000.

Ana Catarina Dias Filipe Pancada Correia

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 2001.

Sílvia da Conceição Gomes Estácio

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 2002.

Ricardo André Fernandes da Mata

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 2003.

Ana Isabel Aleixo

Research fellowship integrated in the project POCTI/QUI/35406/1999, IST, 2004.

Carlos Eduardo Sabino Bernardes

Research fellowship integrated in the project POCTI/QUI/35406/1999, IST, 2004.

Filipe Miguel Peres Agapito

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 2004.

Laurence Richard

FCUL Graduation Thesis in Chemistry, 2006.

Gustavo Coelho Malheiro Múrias

FCUL Graduation work in Chemistry, 2006.

Gustavo André Torcato Lopes

FCUL Graduation work in Chemistry, 2006.

Hugo Filipe de Mesquita Costa Martiniano

FCUL Graduation work in Chemistry, 2006.

Luis Filipe Rosa

Research fellowship integrated in the project POCI/QUI/63166/2004, UAlg, 2006.

Cláudio Miguel Lousada Patrício

FCUL Graduation work in Chemistry, 2007.

Ewa Krzyslak (Poland)

IAESTE grantee PT/07/232, FCUL, 2007.

Nina Chetverikova (Kazakhstan)

IAESTE grantee PT/08/33, FCUL, 2008.

Katja Zerge (Germany)

IAESTE grantee PT/08/31, FCUL, 2008.

Ana Frangolho Silva

Research fellowship integrated in the project POCI/QUI/63166/2004, FCUL, 2008.

João Tiago Santo

Research fellowship integrated in the project PTDC/QUI/65535/2006, FCUL, 2009.

Maximilian Bräutigam (Germany)

IAESTE PT/09/71, FCUL, 2009.

Konstantinos Mitrogogos (Greece)

IAESTE PT/09/64, FCUL, 2009.

Ana Margarida Piedade Lopes

BII grantee, FCUL, 2009.

Joana Vital Cabral Batista

BII grantee, FCUL, 2010.

Rui Ribeiro Catarino

BII grantee, FCUL, 2010.

Elisa Maria Pereira Matias

BII grantee, FCUL, 2010.

Tarita da Silva Rego (Brazil)

IAESTE PT/2010/36, FCUL, 2010.

Abhinav Joseph (India)

IAESTE PT/2010/38, FCUL, 2010.

Smiljan Slukan (Slovenia)

IAESTE PT/2010/37, FCUL, 2010.

Marion Schneider (Germany)

IAESTE PT/2011/7, FCUL, 2011.

Claire Tumeo (France)

Internship LC 328, Undergraduate Chemistry Degree, FCUL July 2013

Cinthia Sasamoto Nakamura (Brazil)

IAESTE PT/2013/14, FCUL, 2013 (co-supervison with Fernando Antunes, DQB- FCUL)

Valdir Avelino Rocha Semedo

FCUL MSc Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 2014.

Cátia Sofia Duarte Lopes

FCUL Graduation work in Chemistry, 2014.

Diane de Maillard Taillefer (France)

Internship LC 328, Undergraduate Chemistry Degree, FCUL July 2015

Mariana Trindade de Donato

FCUL Graduation work in Chemistry, 2015.

Rafael Nogueira Bento

FCUL MSc Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 2015.

Léa Parent (France)

AMIE project, Undergraduate Chemistry Degree at UPMC, FCUL, July 2016.

Yining Jiang (France)

AMIE project, Undergraduate Chemistry Degree at UPMC, FCUL, July 2016.

Anna Juliana Kny (Germany)

IAESTE-FCT BTI 1/2017, FCUL, May to July 2017.

Miguel Alves Rendas

FCUL MSc Thesis in Chemistry, FCUL, 2016.

Lucie Troisi (France)

AMIE project, Undergraduate Chemistry Degree at UPMC, FCUL, July 2017.

Catarina Teixeira António

FCUL Graduation work in Chemistry, FCUL, 2017.

Pedro Luís Tomás Melo

FCUL Graduation work in Technological Chemistry, FCUL, 2017.

Joana Sardinha Rodrigues Alves

FCUL Graduation work in Technological Chemistry, FCUL, 2017.

Mariana Trindade de Donato

FCUL MSc Thesis in Chemistry, 2017.

Joana Filipa Almeida Casimiro

FCUL Graduation work in Technological Chemistry, FCUL, 2018.

Tatiana Santos Alves

FCUL Graduation work in Technological Chemistry, FCUL, 2018.

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